pkgbase = pacwrap pkgdesc = Facilitates the creation, management, and execution of Arch-baesd unprivileged bubblewrap containers. pkgver = 0.7.0 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 license = GPLv3-only makedepends = cargo makedepends = git makedepends = fakeroot makedepends = pacman makedepends = zstd makedepends = busybox makedepends = fakechroot options = !lto source = pacwrap-0.7.0.tar.zst:: sha512sums = b79b118be628c506f5d79d747e89172d839847b5610dd62a913deb586b591abe5d58f20c065ccc4a975627637f667b4e35ff63a83857e9226f01156684db9ccb pkgname = pacwrap depends = bash depends = bubblewrap depends = gnupg depends = pacman depends = libseccomp depends = pacwrap-dist=0.7.0 depends = zstd optdepends = xdg-dbus-proxy provides = pacwrap pkgname = pacwrap-dist provides = pacwrap-dist