/* The box-bin element holds the button-box element which holds each window-button. * * Control spacing between each button via .button-box. */ .box-bin { border-width: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } .button-box { spacing: 4px; } /* The style for each individual window button */ .window-button { width: 24px; height: 20px; } /* The style for the window button when hovered over */ .window-button:hover { } /* Here you can style each individual button. You need to define style classes * ".minimize", ".maximize" and ".close". * You can additionally define styles for the :hover and :active pseudo classes * if you wish. * See the 'Radiance' style.css for an example of this. */ /* Style for the minimize button */ .minimize { background-image: url('min.svg'); } .minimize:hover { background-image: url('min_hover.svg'); } /* Style for the maximize button */ .maximize { background-image: url('max.svg'); } .maximize:hover { background-image: url('max_hover.svg'); } /* Style for the close button */ .close { background-image: url('close.svg'); } .close:hover { background-image: url('close_hover.svg'); }